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소스코드 이쁘게 올리기 방법은 간단하다 pastebin 이라는 사이트를 이용하면된다

void CreateControl(IXRApplication* pApplication, IXRVisualHost*



IXRWin32ControlPtr pIWin32Ctl;


IXRPanelPtr pPanel; //This C++ class provides a base class for all panel elements. You can use panel elements as containers to position and arrange child objects in your XAML for Windows Embedded based application.

IXRUIElementCollectionPtr pChildElements;

IXRFrameworkElementPtr pRootElement;


//pHost->FindName(L"main_window", &pPanel);  pHost 로 안되고 pPanel로 된다

pPanel->FindName(L"main_window", &pPanel);

pPanel->GetChildren(&pChildElements);  //This method retrieves the collection of child elements of the panel.

pChildElements->Add(pIWin32Ctl, NULL);


위와같이 밑밑하게 나오는 소스코드를

  1. void CreateControl(IXRApplication* pApplication, IXRVisualHost*
  2.         pHost)
  3. {
  4.         IXRWin32ControlPtr pIWin32Ctl;
  5.         pApplication->CreateObject(&pIWin32Ctl);
  7.         IXRPanelPtr pPanel; //This C++ class provides a base class for all panel elements. You can use panel elements as containers to position and arrange child objects in your XAML for Windows Embedded based application.
  8.         IXRUIElementCollectionPtr pChildElements;
  11.         IXRFrameworkElementPtr pRootElement;
  13.         //pHost->FindName(L"main_window", &pPanel);  pHost 로 안되고 pPanel로 된다
  14.         pPanel->FindName(L"main_window"&pPanel);
  15.         pPanel->GetChildren(&pChildElements);  //This method retrieves the collection of child elements of the panel.
  16.         pChildElements->Add(pIWin32Ctl, NULL);
  18. }

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