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웹관련정보 +49

This is not the same on a vanilla MySQL install where the root user is not secured by a password by default – however under MAMP it is.

So on a fresh MySQL install the credentials are

User: root
Password: (nothing)

Under MAMP (and presumably MAMP Pro) they are

User: root
Password: root


mamp 설치후 mysql 사용하기 위하여 접속해야하는데 기본 패스워드는 위와같다

maegbugui-MacBook-Pro:MAMP mac$ Library/bin/mysqladmin -u root -p password root(root로 패스워드변경)

Enter password:  (기존패스워드입력)

위 명령어는 패스워드 변경 명령어이다

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